Easy FREE & Cheap Halloween Ideas
Love it or hate it, Halloween is the last major event before Christmas. You don't need to spend a fortune going pumpkin picking in the mud to have some good Halloween fun. Here's some Honest Family Ideas
Check out the FREE download at the bottom
- Pumpkin dissection messy play
Messy play set up doesn't need to be something extravagant, it can be part of the pumpkin carving process. Scooping is a great motor skill so scooping the seeds out of the pumpkin, then scooping back in. Counting how many seeds are on the scoop. Lots of fun with a 50p pumpkin!

2. Home made chocolate lollies
What you need: Chocolate, lolly sticks & whatever sprinkles take your fancy.
First Melt the chocolate and put a lolly stick onto some parchment paper. Put your chocolate on top then add as many decorations as you can fit. Put it into the fridge to set
Try to entertain the kids while it sets...that's the hardest bit!

3. Melted White Chocolate ghosts
Melted white chocolate over half a banana with coco pops eyes. Add a lolly stick for easy eating - YUM!

4. Pumpkin painting
Many people messaged to say instead of carving their pumpkins they had been painting them so they can wash them off the next day and repaint. Kids have been looking forward to painting their pumpkins each day so a fun recurring activity for halloween week.
Kid safe paint - https://amzn.to/3Fm8619
Glow in the dark paint https://amzn.to/3zoNmSM (For extra magic)

5. The Honest Family 6 FREE downloadable Halloween activities
To get instant access please click here https://thehonestfamily.co.uk/product/free-halloween-printable-pages/

If you have any other easy free or cheap Halloween activities please do let us know.
Halloween doesn't need to be expensive, it can be wholesome family fun with spooky elements to keep the kids entertained.
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