FREE Random Acts of Kindness you can do! #rak #rak4leo
What is RAK4LEO?
Rak4Leo was an idea created out of grief, loss and feeling the world was unkind and unfair and a way to spread kindness so the world didn't feel quite so dark. Our world fell apart when out miracle IVF baby Leo was born prematurely and only lived for 8 days. Rak4Leo was a way of making others smile and honouring his memory at the same time, by leaving a legacy of love.
What is a random act of kindness?
It can be anything, it doesn't need to cost money and I've written you a list of you're stuck for ideas below. It's an act of kindness to make someone smile and it's random because it isn't for a birthday or a celebration event where they are expecting something, a nice surprise that makes them smile.
Do I have to tag you?
Absolutely not, we love to hear about all the random acts of kindness that have happened as it really gives us a warm fuzzy feeling to know how many people have smiled in Leo's memory but even if you just make someone smile today and tell nobody, that's still made that person happy which is enough for us!
I've collated some ideas for you feel free to add your own or tag us @the_honest_mum_ & @the_honest_dad_ on instagram
FREE Random Acts of Kindness
- Smile at a stranger – it might brighten their day.
- Hold the door open for someone.
- Give a genuine compliment.
- Write a kind note and leave it in a public place.
- Let someone go ahead of you in a queue.
- Offer to help carry shopping for someone struggling.
- Send a thoughtful message to a friend or family member.
- Share a post about a small business you love.
- Help a neighbour with their bins or gardening.
- Offer to babysit for a friend who needs a break.
- Write a positive review for a business you've used.
- Lend a book you love to someone who might enjoy it.
- Leave a kind note on someone’s car or doorstep.
- Share your knowledge or skill to help someone for free.
- Spend time with someone who might be lonely.
- Give up your seat for someone who needs it more.
- Pick up litter in your local area.
- Offer to walk a neighbour’s dog.
- Leave uplifting chalk messages on the pavement.
- Send a voice note telling someone how much you appreciate them.
- Help someone with their shopping trolley at the supermarket.
- Cook a meal for someone going through a tough time.
- Offer to help a friend with DIY or housework.
- Offer to babysit for a struggling parent
- Donate old clothes or items to someone in need.
- Give directions or help someone who looks lost.
- Leave kind comments on social media instead of scrolling past.
- Tell someone they’re doing a great job.
- Offer to proofread a friend’s CV or project.
- Encourage someone to chase their dream.
- Say hello to someone who looks lonely.
- Offer to run an errand for an elderly neighbour.
- Teach someone something new for free.
- Make a playlist for a friend who needs cheering up.
- Share a positive news story.
- Take a moment to listen deeply to someone.
- Water a friend’s plants while they’re away.
- Write a thank-you note to someone who’s helped you.
- Offer to drive someone who doesn’t have transport.
- Help a local cause by volunteering your time.
- Simply be kind, patient, and understanding to those around you.
Random Act of Kindness Ideas that are not free
- Buy a coffee for the person behind you in the queue.
- Pay for someone’s parking meter if they’re running low.
- Donate to a local food bank.
- Leave a generous tip for a service worker.
- Buy flowers and leave them on a random doorstep.
- Pay for a stranger’s meal at a restaurant.
- Purchase school supplies for a struggling family.
- Sponsor a child’s sports or creative activity.
- Donate pet food to an animal shelter.
- Buy an extra meal and give it to someone in need.
- Purchase a book for a friend who would love it.
- Leave money hidden in a vending machine for the next person.
- Pay for someone’s bus or train ticket.
- Buy someone’s groceries at the till.
- Purchase an online course for someone trying to learn a new skill.
- Fundraise for a meaningful cause.
- Order a surprise treat to be delivered to a friend.
- Donate towards a stranger’s medical bills or crowdfund.
- Pay for someone’s coffee at work.
- Buy warm clothing or blankets for homeless shelters.
- Cover the cost of school lunches for a struggling child.
- Pay for a single parent's fuel or transport fare.
- Send a surprise takeaway to someone having a rough day.
- Buy supplies for a struggling teacher’s classroom.
- Donate menstrual products to a women’s shelter.
- Pay for an elderly person’s medication.
- Buy a small toy and donate it to a children’s hospital.
- Purchase an uplifting book and leave it in a waiting room.
- Sponsor a child in need through a charity.
- Donate art supplies to a school or community centre.
- Pay off a small bill for someone struggling.
- Hire a cleaner or a meal service for a parent in need.
- Fund a care package for someone going through grief.
- Purchase noise-cancelling headphones for someone with sensory needs.
- Buy socks and hygiene items for a homeless person.
- Sponsor an animal at a rescue shelter.
- Purchase therapy sessions for someone who needs them.
- Order a cake for a lonely neighbour’s birthday.
- Buy and leave scratch cards for someone to find.
- Pay for an hour of babysitting for an overwhelmed parent.