Men's Mental Health

Why is Men's Mental Health Important?

ALL MENTAL HEALTH IS IMPORTANT - men are no different!

The problem is for years that men have been overlooked as they tend to talk about mental healh less than women so people assumed their silence meant they were fine rather than that they didn't know how to communicate their feelings.

Why is 'DUMP THE LOAD' for men?

Well it isn't ONLY for men but we made the lighten the load and the dump it out notepad for mens health month aimed to help men communicate. The reason they're different is that they are more simplistic to identify emotions with tick boxes rather than needing to find and express deep emotions. Being able to look at a list of emotions and physical symptoms can be easier to identify and be less of an emotional drain.

Will writing down my feelings help me feel better?

Brain scans on volunteers showed that putting feelings down on paper reduces activity in a part of the brain called the amygdala, which is responsible for controlling the intensity of our emotions.

Psychologists who discovered the "Bridget Jones effect" said it worked whether people elaborated on their feelings in a diary, penned lines of poetry, or even jotted down song lyrics to express their negative emotions.

-The Guardian


Adults Mental Health

Adults Mental Health - Fantastic notepads to help you prioritise your mental...

"Never trust your fears, for they don't know your strengths"

Athena Singh

Problem Solver

The problem solver is our take on the classic pro's and con's list which has been around forever. We've just made it better to help rationalise how serious the problem is and take into account gut feeling to help you learn to trust your gut.




Can I just shout from the roof tops how amaizng this bundle is! 41627 things going on in my head and this bundle is so easy to get everything out onto and it's not overwhelming, the most amazing business with the most amazing products and support.

- Tiktok Review

Review from Tiktok Shop

Can I just shout from the roof tops how amaizng this bundle is! 41627 things going on in my head and this bundle is so easy to get everything out onto and it's not overwhelming, the most amazing business with the most amazing products and support.

Friendly reminder, if it costs you your mental health, it's too expensive!

Athena Singh

Notepads are a great way of being able to express emotion without the feeling of commitment like a journal or a diary would impose. Being able to tear off the page and screw it up, throw it away or throw it in the fire can be such a cathartic experience.

Shop Mental Health

We have created an adult mental health collection including a variation of smooth writing pens and positive affirmation cups and coasters.

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"Giving five stars isn't enough for the Grief Guide"


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